Purchasing & Product Development

7 open jobs
About the department

We have access to 44 million parts at all times to keep our customers going. All thanks to the global network of our purchasing experts. And the ingenuity of product development when spare parts are no longer manufactured. Impressed? Then join us.

7 Job(s) found


Father / Basketball Player and Coach / Golfer / Product Development

It only takes me 13 minutes to get from my bedroom to my office. And I don’t even mean the home office. That is a luxury. It gives me extra time to be around family and friends, do things I enjoy, such as play golf and basketball with my daughter.
I love the trust, the people and the culture at TVH. We are all on the same mission and we help each other get there. And everyone’s opinion matters in this story. The people really make the difference over here.
AJ, Product Development
Purchasing & Product Development >



I have more hobbies than hours in a day. From hiking to gaming with friends. I even built a PC for my partner. And I ran 10K thanks to the TVH Nudge Challenges. I hadn’t done that amount of distance in about 10 years.

I always try to be optimistic. A positive attitude makes all the difference. In my role I liaise a lot with colleagues from sales to warehouse and all in-between. Being able to help them is why I love my job.
Patrick, Team Leader Purchasing
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