Purchase Specialist

Détails du poste

Intitulé du poste
Purchase Specialist
Purchasing & Product Development
Date de publication
18 Apr, 2024
Job ID
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Systematically following up on and processing of signals of the procurement
system, in accordance with the level of priority indicated, for the purpose of placing orders while appropriately weighing up delivery period, rotationand level of service towards our customers.

Acquiring and maintaining some technical knowhow about the products mix, so as to be able to choose suppliers, purchase and handle any returns based on that knowhow.
Establishing and maintaining a sound knowledge base in relation to existing
suppliers, as well as exploring potential new suppliers, in order to establish a
portfolio of suppliers which will allow us to purchase on the most favourable terms in relation to cost, delivery period, quality, terms of payment, service.

Selection and negotiation with suitable suppliers, so as to obtain good quotes,
involving a balance of all relevant parameters.

Collaborating with and supporting colleagues in the purchasing department, other
departments (sales and warehouse, etc) and sister companies (if applicable) so as to accomplish procurement taking into account both cost efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Identifying and following up on opportunities (commercial) and taking relevant actions in order to help achieve organisational goals.

• Min Diploma in Procurement/Supply Chain/Business Administration
• Minimum 2 years’ experience in either purchasing in the spare parts related industries or
a technical position would be an advantage
• Proficient in use of MS Office Applications
• Posses good communication and interpersonal skills
• Excellent communications and negotiation skills with suppliers and internal customers
• Entrepreneur thinking and mindset – always put TVH first

Rachel Chang

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