Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Deputy Prime Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne Visited TVH.

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Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Deputy Prime Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne Visited TVH.

Prime visit on Monday 19 June. We were proud to welcome Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Deputy Prime Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne to TVH. They were welcomed at the reception in The Hub by Dominiek Valcke.

Dominiek, along with some members of the Board of Directors and the GMT, then had some interesting conversations with both members of the Federal Government. The topics discussed included the challenges businesses face, such as the public infrastructure in Belgium, the lack of flexibility, the tight labour market and the importance of training.

The ministers were then given a tour of our TVH Experience Center, where they learned about our history, products and services, logistics and the importance of a strong company culture in attracting talent.