Market Intelligence Advisor-1


Titel der Stelle
Market Intelligence Advisor-1
IT & Data
Datum der Einstellung
16 Aug, 2024
Job ID
IT & Data

  • Job Title - Market Intelligence Advisor

    As an MI Advisor you will work on elaborating, coordinating and implementing various Market Intelligence standard projects on a global level (all branches) by collecting market data with the necessary guidance, support and guidance of certain employees. In doing so, you will work closely with the (Advanced) Market Intelligence Analyst to strengthen and consolidate the position of all branches of the TVH Group in the market and to contribute to the profit and turnover maximization of the company.

    Some key responsibilities:

    • You manage the competition email basket and coordinate it partly yourself and partly with the responsible (Advanced) MI Analyst
    • You will functionally lead the Data team in India to work on periodically recurring and standard projects based on JIRA Tickets where you will take full responsibility for the end-to-end processes
    • You fully manage the data and do the necessary data manipulation with the right guidelines for relevant teams
    • Preparation of a solid competitive analysis through a thorough web research
    • Follow-up of current projects and adjustments where necessary
    • Inventive thinking when looking for possible solutions to problems
    • Collecting and processing relevant market information in order to draw up the necessary actions to acquire and maintain an optimal market position in the areas of different departments within TVH
    • Updating, maintaining and sharing professional knowledge by continuously keeping abreast of evolutions and the market situation in the various markets, in order to strengthen his/her credibility by offering a service that is continuously based on up-to-date knowledge

    Competencies desired:

    • Strong Verbal and written English communication skills
    • Analytical and logical mindset
    • Excel knowledge, Intermediate and above
    • Creative and out of the box thinker
    • Ability to work independently
    • Acting proactively, taking initiative
    • Discrete, able to handle confidential information

    Desired level of education and experience:

    •Relevant experience with Bachelor's degree, preferably in a commercial/technical field

Kishori Hardikar

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Ich habe so viele Interessen ... Ich genieße die Zeit mit meiner Frau und meinem Sohn, fotografiere Lebensmittel und halte besondere Momente im Leben fest. Außerdem war ich schon immer ein leidenschaftlicher Gamer. Vor 5 Jahren habe ich angefangen, Kendo zu praktizieren. Es half mir, mich darauf zu konzentrieren, mich selbst zu verbessern, anstatt mit anderen zu konkurrieren.

Jedes neue Projekt bringt neue Herausforderungen, Lernerfahrungen und Wachstumsmöglichkeiten mit sich. Das passt zu meiner generellen Neugier. Ich möchte zum Beispiel alles über Entdeckungen, Erfindungen und Technologie wissen. Und das Erlernen neuer Sprachen hilft mir, mit Menschen aus verschiedenen Kulturen im gesamten TVH in Kontakt zu treten.
Hrishikesh, Datendomain-Experte
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